5359 Leonard Road, Bryan, Texas 77807  | 979-775-5755  | info@aggielandhumane.org


5359 Leonard Road, Bryan, Texas 77807   | 979-775-5755  | info@aggielandhumane.org


kitten season

YOU can help tiny kittens in need TODAY!

A kitten sleeping on his littermate

It's kitten season - but what is that, exactly?

The spring and summer months are breeding seasons for many animals, especially cats! As the weather warms up, Aggieland Humane experiences an influx of kittens, many motherless. Because of our long warm season in Texas, unspayed females can have up to three litters in one summer! 

Caring for hundreds of kittens is a considerable undertaking; one that is only possible with your support. Foster parents must bottle-feed orphaned kittens round-the-clock to ensure their survival. And kitten season is more than just time-consuming! Tiny kittens require a large stockpile of supplies to ensure proper care. 

How can you help?

You are critical to starting kitten season off on the right foot! Each kitten that comes into our care needs specialized formula and bottles, canned food, and a warm, safe area to grow into healthy adult pets.

Shop our wishlists TODAY to ensure each of these fragile kittens has all of the supplies they need to grow big and strong for their future families! Items are shipped straight to the shelter. 

If you’re not an online shopper, bring supplies to Aggieland Humane’s Welcome Center so we can thank you in person. You can also make a monetary gift by clicking the button below. 

Tiny kitten sleeping

become a foster parent

Did you know we placed hundreds of kittens into foster care last year?

Fostering saves lives – especially the lives of tiny kittens!

From orphaned kittens, fondly known as “bottle babies,” to nursing mothers & babies to kittens that are just slightly too young to be adopted, there is a fostering opportunity to fit your needs and schedule! Aggieland Humane provides all supplies needed to care for the little ones, and you provide the love!

Join our lifesaving mission by becoming a foster parent today! 

become a kitten first responder

Each litter of orphaned kittens needs immediate placement in foster care. Their survival depends on round-the-clock bottle-feeding and care. Unfortunately, that can not happen if the kitten stay at the shelter overnight. 

We understand the responsibility of long-term fostering may not be feasible for everyone, but what about short-term? If you can foster a litter of kittens for 24-28 hours while we secure a long-term foster, YOU could be a Kitten First Responder! The kittens and team at Aggieland Humane will be so grateful.

Never bottle-fed before? No worries! We will show you how and provide all supplies! Already a foster and want to become a First Responder? Message the foster phone! 

Motherless kitten for Virtual Kitten shower

We strive to provide the best quality of life for the pets in our care. Whether it is a walk, playtime, or just a good snuggle session, the care our volunteers provide keeps our animals both physically and mentally healthy during their stay. In addition to direct animal interaction, volunteers provide assistance to our administrative staff, spay/neuter programs, and community engagement programs.

Thank you for your interest in the Aggieland Humane Volunteer Program.